Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Free Sex

Free Sex

Free sex is one of western culture that grows in Indonesia.Nowadays free sex culture more increase because of globalization.Definition of free sex is relationship between man and woman without limitation,they can do anything that they want including sex before married.

Free sex culture is bad culture that different wuth Indonesian culture.Indonesian culture more polite than western culture( free sex).Free sex has many negative impact such as;
1.Increase HIV Aids disease
As we know Hiv Aids happens because of someone that do his/her sex activity always changes his/her partner,free sex can make it happen.
2.Increase Woman Pregnant and Abortion
Free sex can make it happen,many woman pregnant before married,if they can't accept it many of them do abortion,so free sex undirectly kill someone.
3.Increase young married
Free sex can make it happen,many woman especially young woman pregnant before married,to solve her problem she decide to get married,popular with married by accident.
4.Increase Drug User
Free sex isn't only do sex activity but sometime use drug also.Free sex can increase drug user and drugs sindicate.
5.Make stress/frustration
Free sex can make many problems,and the problems can make someone fell stres/frustrated.

Those are negative effects caused by free sex.To solve and  protect ourselves from free sex we must do something such as;
1.Increase our awareness
First from inside of ourselves.If we have awareness that free sex isn't good for us and has many negative effects,we should avoid it.Not only awareness that must we have,we must have strong intention also to make it real,to fight/protect ourselves from negative effect of free sex.
2.Close to God
There is no one can protect us better than God.God is The Creator of heaven and earth,Only to God we ask protection.Many ways to close to God,for example we can learn more about religion knowledge.It can protect us from negative effect of free sex.

Because of many negative effect of free sex,let's protect ourselves from free sex.

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