Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sleeping Ghost

Sleeping Ghost


One year ago i went to Pare (english village) with my friends.I took BEC (Basic English Course) as my english course because BEC was The Famoust and The First english course at Pare.In Pare i stayed at boarding house whereas my friends stayed at islamic cottage.My boarding house name was Vam***e house( sorry must be censored),it was strange name.My boarding house was cheaper than the other,only Rp.70.000 for a month at that time.I had unforgetable memory at there.It was happened at thursday night( maybe kliwon), at that day i had program in my english course namelly nightly speaking,it was started at 18.30-21.00.After the program had finished ,i didn't back to my boarding house directly,but i followed my friends for playing PS2.I played PS2 with my friends until midnight.I decided to take rest in my friend boarding house because it was too night and i felt affraid went back to my boarding house.There was nobody passed in the road toward to my boarding house,there wasn't lamp,so dark.Early morning i went back to my boarding house, i knocked fence, several minutes my friend opened it. My friend asked me,"Fadil where had you been?it was early morning,did you jog?" i answered," no i didn't jog, i was from my friend boarding house, and i just went back." but my friend didn't believe me because he said that he talked with me until midnight,and he saw me slept in my room, but last night i didin't sleep in my room, i slept in my friend boarding house,so?who slept in my room last night?i fellt so scared but my friend just smile and left me alone,he didn't believe me.After that i decided to move to the other boarding house.

Fadilla Rosyad S./C Class

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