Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pandaan Cultures

Pandaan Cultures

I'm from Pandaan East Java. It's located between Surabaya-Malang road. It's hotter than Malang but colder than Surabaya. Pandaan has many cultures like language, custom, tourism place, food, etc.

For language Pandaan people usually speak javanesse and maduraness because majority people of Pandaan from Java and Madura.

For custom, there are charity village. It's held once a year to refuse disaster.People gather at same place, bring something to eat, pray together, after that eat together.

For tourism place,there are many tourism places in Pandaan such as:
1.Taman Dayu
It's located near Surabaya-Malang road.The place is very nice and large, so many facilities.There are playing ground,food court,camping ground,water park,pine forest,golf field,etc.This is nice place for hang out.

2.Taman Safari 2
It’s located at Prigen near Pandaan.The place is very large and natural.So many animals are there.We can see monkey,lion,tiger,etc.Taman Safari Indonesia 2 has many facilities also like souvenir stall,playing ground,cafĂ©,etc.Mostly of visitors are from the other cities.For accommodation for about Rp.55.000,00 for each person or Rp.85.000,00(all facility) .We can drive car by ourselves or get on Taman Safari bus to take around the place.We must be careful because the animals are release,and we shouldn’t disturb them.The favourite place in Taman Safari Indonesia 2 is baby zoo.We can meet animal babies and we also interact with them.We can take picture also.Taman Safari Indonesia 2 is the place which has beautiful view and chalenging adventure.

3.Jawi Temple
It's located at Prigen near Pandaan.Jawi temple was built at 13 of century,for stored an half of King Kertanegara ash (The last Singosari King).It's hindust temple.
4.Cheng Ho Mosque
It's located at Kasri street (Pandaan).This place for pray and tourism place.It has chinese construction.It was built for reminded commander Cheng Ho service.Long time ago commander Cheng Ho sailed from one place to another place included Pandaan for spread Islam.That's why Pandaan decided to build Cheng Ho mosque.
5.Kakek Bodo Waterfall
It's located at Tretes near Pandaan.Kakek Bodo waterfall is natural place that can make our mind fresh.Why this place namelly Kakek Bodo Waterfall?long time ago there was religious Holland Servant that left his boss to isolate (close to God), that's why his boss called him Bodo (stupid/fool), Kakek Bodo did his isolation near with waterfall and he helped people that surround it.After Kakek Bodo die,people called the waterfall "Kakek Bodo Waterfall".For accomodation Rp.8.000,00 each person.

For food,there is no special food from Pandaan but there are famous stall like Kepiting Cak Gundul and Ikan Bakar Cianjur.If you want to eat delicious crab or fish you can visit it in Pandaan.


Those are all about Pandaan Cultures,small city with beauty inside...

Fadilla Rosyad S./C Class

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